Share and protect your most exclusive content with trusted partners

Deliver exclusive content like images, videos and documets to trusted and registered users on a password-protected portal.

Send out exclusive download-links to high-resuluted footage and assets or provide exclusive previews with coupons or individual download-codes.

NOEO helps you to protect your most exclusive content with embargos on password-protected sites for registered users only.

Key features:

  • Login and registration for media professionals or/and retailers
  • Login and registration with Mediapass (digital press card)
  • Digital asset-management for images, videos, dokuments in multiple languages
  • Product and asset databases with predefinded and extendable categories like release dates, embargoes and product information for serveral branches
  • E-Mail marketing and list-management for registered users and import/export to 3rd. party contact management tools.
  • Send download-links via e-mail to protected files on your media- and retail-extranet
  • Personal download-manager for users with single-download or zip-downlaod for press-kits or hand-picked files
  • Multi-language support for global or national extranets



E-Mail press-releases with exclusive download-links

Send media-alerts and with your most exclusive images and digital assets to Journalists or trusted registered users. Attach files like videos, images or documents with exclusive unique download-links. Choose your assets or press-released to be sent directly from the backend of your media- and retail extranet. 


Digital embargoes and password-protected access for registered users

Let Journalists, partners and retailers access exclusive content on a personalized website. Choose who is allowed to access or download videos, images or other files with embargoes or under special conditions like non disclosure agreements. Define several roles and levels of access for individual users or groups of users.

All your press-releases and exclusive assets on one place

Deliver a friendly to use self-service media portal or retail portal for your most important partners. All your press-releases and assets can be sorted by date or categories on your front-page and multiple product-pages.


Browse and search the digital asset library

Registered users and browse and search for all kind of assets and press-releases in a universal and vertical search with auto-sugestions. Registered administrators can also use a extended search functionality with NOEO’s backend.


Zip-Downloads and personal download-manager

Let registered users browse your site and collect digital assets to download on one package. Let them create their personal press-kits with a user-friendly download-manager. Users can collect files like a shopping basket or download multiple files in one zip-file.

Comprehensive content management with batch upload

Administrators can use our fully functional content management backend with WYSIWYG Editors, batch-uploads of multiple files and professional online-publishing features. Just write or import press-releases and attach files with all detailed meta-data and information about embargoes.


File-Management and storage on multiple servers

You can use internal storage or embed or tunnel files from external (secure) FTP-Servers to extend your storage capacity. You can also provide access to files on several hidden external sources 

Multi-language support

Provide all press-releases and assets in several languages and localizations. Use language neutral files e.g. for Artwork or localized files for e.g. packshots or screenshots. Of course you can define different embargoes for different territories.

Download-codes and coupon codes

Let registered users claim download-codes or invite coupons for digital products, exklusive offers or beta-tests. Define what non-disclosure agreements or other agreements need to be accepted.


NOEO Essential

  • self-hosted 
  • 1 Language / country  
  • 1 Usergroup 
  • Unlimted users and admins 
  • unlimited content
  • 1 Admingroup
  • up to 2 hours of support / month
  • Your logo and colors, individual categories

from 3.600,00 Euro / month

contact us


Media Extranet and Retail Extranet

  • self-hosted 
  • 1 continent / territory  
  • up to 15 usergroups
  • Unlimted users and admins 
  • unlimited content
  • upd to 15 admingroups
  • up to 4 hours of support / month
  • Your logo and colors, individual categories

from 8.900,00 Euro / month

contact us


  • self-hosted 
  • global  
  • unlimited usergroup
  • Unlimted users and admins 
  • unlimited content
  • unlimited admingroups
  • individual support
  • Your logo and colors, individual categories

get your individual quote

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